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New FK 9.0” Oval Kart Slick

New FK 9.0” Oval Kart Slick

Hoosier is excited to announce a new 9.0” version for the FK karting slick.  There will be two sidewall plated versions of this tire, but the tire will still be identical.  For the Southeast region the tires sidewall will be plated FKSE and will only be able for purchase through Hoosier Tire South in Lexington, NC and their regional dealers.  For all other Hoosier distributors the tires sidewall will just say FK on it.  The FKSE will be available early Feb.  The FK will be available middle to late March.

Item # Tire Size Tread Width Approx. Dia. Approx. Circ. Recom. Rim Measured Rim Section Width Compounds
 15910   11.0x9.0-6  9.0" 11.0" 34.0" 10.0" 10.0" 10.0" FK, FKSE

For additional questions regarding the FK tire please contact Chad Wright

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